Sky is not the limit, capacity of your nervous system is.
Learn more about the science behind somatic work.
Get to the root
The essence of somatic work is using breath, movement and sound to release arrested fight, flight or freeze response from the body.
Unprocessed fight, fight or freeze energy causes emotional reactivity, hyper sensitivity or numbness, physical tension and many other symptoms.
It can remain in our system for years or even decades, until the moment it is released.
Let go
Breathwork is your our main technique because it is the only tool that gives us direct access to the autonomous nervous system.
As we integrate arrested fight, flight or freeze energy, the underlying behavioural pattern related to the original event lose their charge.
As a result we are able to move forward with more ease. We no longer experience strong resistance, self-sabotage or other unhelpful behaviours.
Up level
When our nervous system is regulated and we feel safe, our actions come from a place of love, trust and authentic desires, rather than protection or survival.
This impacts how we lead ourselves though our daily lives and how we relate to others. We feel more like ourselves again - connected, alive, free and empowered.
Our past wounds become a source of wisdom and unique gifts.